The American Gas Association serves as the secretariat to three ANSI Accredited Standards Committees (ASC); ASC  Z223 National Fuel Gas Code, ASC Z380 – GPTC, Gas Piping Technology Committee, and ASC B109.  These three ASCs are responsible for the following standards published by AGA:

ASC Z223 on National Fuel Gas Code

The American Gas Association serves as the secretariat to the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z223 on National Fuel Gas Code.  The ASC Z223 develops and publishes ANSI Z223.1, National Fuel Gas Code, which is jointly developed with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 54 Committee and is consequently also known as NFPA 54. View the Z223 Committee Interest Category Balance and Z223 Committee Procedures.

Current edition: 2024 National Fuel Gas Code

Next edition: 2027 National Fuel Gas Code

Next Revision Cycle: 2027 National Fuel Gas Code

Previous Revision Cycle: 2024 National Fuel Gas Code

ANSI ASC GPTC Z380 – Gas Piping Technology

The American Gas Association serves as the secretariat to the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) Z380, Gas Piping Technology Committee. The GPTC develops and publishes ANSI Z380.1, Guide for Gas Transmission, Distribution and Gathering Piping Systems.

Committee Activity and Information

2022 Request for Proposals [CLOSED]

AGA is seeking proposals from contractors interested in providing administrative support to AGA staff in carrying out the duties of GPTC Secretariat.

Work scope includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. TR Records Tracking
  2. Balloting
  3. Dispositions
  4. ANSI Documentation
  5. Editing Guide

See the Request for Proposals (2022 GPTC RFP) below for full details.

  • RFP issued on Wednesday, August 3, 2022.
  • EXTENDED Proposals are due to by 5:00 PM on Monday, September 5, 2022 (previously due Wednesday, August 31, 2022).
  • Winning proposal expected to be selected by Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

Questions should be directed to Luis Escobar at


AGA Responses to Questions on GPTC RFP

2022 Edition and Addenda


ANSI GPTC Z380.1 Guide for Gas Transmission, Distribution, and Gathering Piping Systems, 2022 Edition. Contains the U.S. DOT Pipeline Safety Code Title 49 – Part 191 and Part 192, plus guide material prepared by the Gas Piping Technology Committee Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The Guide is continuously updated by the GPTC which issues addendum on a periodic basis. Cost: $645.00 Order Publications.

Electronic versions of the Guide can also be purchased through two approved vendors:

  1. A subscription to WinDOT from ViaData. Please visit for more information.
  2. A subscription to Evergreen:AIR from That Compliance Lady. Please visit for more information

Addenda 1 to ANSI GPTC Z380.1 was approved. Please click on the link below.

ANSI GPTC Z380 1 – 2022 Addendum 1 06_17_22

ANSI GPTC Z380 1 – 2022 Addendum 2 02_02_23

ANSI GPTC Z380 1-2022 Addendum 3_10_19_23

ANSI GPTC Z380 1-2022 Addendum 4 rev 10_22_24

ANSI Public Reviews

GPTC –  conducts periodic public reviews on revisions to the GPTC Z380, Guide for Gas Transmission, Distribution, and Gathering Piping Systems.  

There is no ANSI Public Review for GPTC at this moment. Please check back soon.

**Comments should be emailed to Luis Escobar, Secretary, ASC Z380 at by the deadline and with cc to Please use the comment form below.

Comment Form (MS Word)

Comment Form (PDF Form)

Any questions you may have concerning public reviews please contact Luis Escobar ( 

Continuous Maintenance

ANSI Z380.1-2018 is maintained under continuous maintenance and a new edition shall be published or the existing edition shall be reaffirmed a minimum of every five (5) years. An addendum shall be published as frequently as necessary between editions. Revisions resulting from public proposals shall be published in an addendum or in the new edition whichever is published first. If no changes are made within four (4) years of the ANSI approval date, ASC Z380 shall apply for reaffirmation of the standard. If you would like to make a proposal to revise ANSI Z380.1-2018, please use the proposal form below

Form For Proposals On ANSI GPTC Z380 (MS Word)

Form For Proposals On ANSI GPTC Z380 (PDF Form)

Any questions you may have concerning the maintenance of  ANSI Z380.1-2018 under continuous maintenance please contact Luis Escobar (

Future Committee Meetings

The following meeting dates and locations planned for 2024.

*Please note that GPTC meetings are open to all.  If you would like to attend, please contact LaMona Gray at 202-824-7335 or via email,

Reports and Position Papers

Committee Information

About The Committee:

The Gas Piping Technology Committee is an ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) designated as GPTC/Z380 which maintains and develops ANSI Z380.1, Guide for Gas Transmission, Distribution, and Gathering Piping Systems (Guide). Committee members include persons with expertise from the natural gas transmission, distribution and manufacturing fields as well as from federal and state regulatory agencies. The Committee has approximately 100 members, 40 of which have voting rights and are known as the Main Body. The Main Body is balanced in accordance with ANSI requirements under the following categories: gas transmission, gas distribution, manufacturing, regulatory and the general interest. The Committee is structured into three Divisions and has a number of standing Task Groups and Sections that develop and approve Guide Material.

A history of the GPTC is available HERE.

Committee Procedures:

As an accredited ANSI standards committee, our operating procedure is subject to ANSI review and approval. Our current approved procedure is available to review HERE.

The Gas Piping Technology Committee follows the American Gas Association Anti-Trust Guidelines which are available HERE.

Member Commitments:

The committee meets three times each year in March, July and November. Meeting locations are rotated around the continental U.S. and typically run for 2 days. Members are required to attend all meetings. If you can not attend a meeting then notification must be provided in advance. Failure to routinely attend meetings is a reason for membership termination. Therefore, members must commit themselves to travel expenses for three meetings per year. Meeting attendees are also required to pay a meeting registration fee to cover committee expenses. 

How To Join:

The Committee welcomes new members who start their committee participation as non-voting members. Regardless of voting status, all members are expected to fully participate in developing guide material and attend meetings. To become a new member, complete the application form and return it along with a resume to the ASC Z380 Secretary (address is on the form). A membership term is for 3-years and can be renewed. All memberships are subject to Main Body ballot.

GPTC Application Form


Please submit your application or questions to Luis Escobar, Secretary, ASC Z380, at and copy

ANSI B109 Family of Standards

For Gas Displacement Meters and Service Regulators

The B109 Committee oversees the development and maintenance of consensus standards related to gas meters and service regulators. View the latest B109 Committee Roster and the current B109 Committee Procedures.

Currently, there are five B109 standards that have achieved recognition by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI):

Purchase a copy of each standard in the AGA Publication Store.

Please contact Luis Escobar at if you are interested in becoming a member or observer of ANSI B109, or if you would like to be part of the review process for any of the standards above.

Submitting Proposed Changes:

The ANSI B109 Standards are under continuous maintenance therefore anyone may propose changes to the standards at any time. Each change will be considered by the B109 Committee at their next meeting, and may be referred to a standard-specific task group for their review and recommendation before the next B109 Committee meeting.

If you have a proposed change to any of the standards above, please fill out this form and submit to the B109 Committee Secretary, Luis Escobar at


Newly Reaffirmed Standards: B109.1 and B109.3

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved the reaffirmation of the existing B109.1 and B109.3 Standards on April 16, 2024. Read the announcement in the April 26, 2024 edition of the ANSI Standards Action newsletter. Reaffirmation is when a standards committee (B109 Committee in this case) reviews an existing standard and determines it is current and doesn’t need immediate revision. Both standards were last updated in 2019. This reaffirmed standard became available for purchase on August 28, 2024.

New Standard: B109.5 Commercial and Industrial Service Regulators

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved the new B109 Standard for elf-Operated Diaphragm-Type Natural Gas Service Regulators For Nominal Pipe Size up to and including 2 inches (50 mm) and inlet pressures up to 125 psig (861.8 kPa) with outlet pressure of 20 psig (138 kPa) or less not covered in ANSI B109.4 on April 16, 2024. Read the announcement in the April 26, 2024 edition of the ANSI Standards Action newsletter. This new standard became available for purchase on August 1, 2024.

[CLOSED] ANSI Public Review: B109.1 and B109.3 Standards

The B109 Committee has decided to reaffirm the B109.1 Standard (Diaphragm-Type Gas Displacement Meters (Under 500 Cubic Feet Per Hour Capacity)) and the B109.3 Standard (Rotary-Type Gas Displacement Meters) without change from the 2019 edition of each standard. Public comments on the reaffirmation of these standards are due to the by April 1, 2024 and must be submitted on this Public Comment Form.

[CLOSED] 2nd ANSI Public Review: B109.5 Standard

The portion of the draft new proposed B109.5 Standard (Self-Operated Diaphragm-Type Natural Gas Service Regulators for nominal pipe size up to and including 2 inches (50 mm) and inlet pressures up to 125 psig (861.8 kPa) with outlet pressures of 20 psig (138 kPa) or less not covered in ANSI B109.4) is available for review and comment. Public comments are due to by February 25, 2024 and must be submitted on this Public Comment Form.

New Standard: B109.6 Single Path Ultrasonic Gas Meters

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved the new B109 Standard for Single Path Ultrasonic Gas Meters (Under 1400 Cubic Feet Pet Hour Capacity) on January 9, 2024. Read the announcement in the January 19, 2024 edition of the ANSI Standards Action newsletter. This new standard became available for purchase on January 26, 2024.

[CLOSED] ANSI Public Review: B109.5 Standard

2023 Fall Committee Meeting

The B109 Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at the Omni William Penn in Pittsburgh, PA in conjunction with the 2023 AGA Operations Section Fall Committee Meetings. Meeting agenda posted in August 2023.

[CLOSED] ANSI Public Review: B109.6 Standard

The Draft of the new proposed B109.6 Standard (Single Path Ultrasonic Gas Meter under 1400 cubic feet per hour capacity) is available for review and comment. Public comments are due to by July 3, 2023 and must be submitted on this Public Comment Form.

2022 Fall Committee Meeting

The B109 Committee met on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim CA in conjunction with the 2022 AGA Operations Section Fall Committee Meetings. Meeting agenda posted in August 2022.

[CLOSED] Comment Period: Scope Revision

AGA has submitted revisions to the scope of the accreditiation on file with ANSI for the B109 committee. The revised scope is as follows: “Accredited Standards Committee B109 is responsible for the development and maintenance of standards for gas meters, gas service regulators and related devices that are used in the revenue measurement of fuel gas. For both new types and newly constructed meters and service regulators, these standards include: definitions, construction criteria, performance criteria, test methods, in-service performance criteria, installation requirements/practices, and equipment.” Please submit any comments or questions by July 11, 2022 to Luis Escobar,


ANSI approved the revised B109.4 Standard on October 22, 2021 (announcement on page 28 of the October 19th ANSI Standards Action newsletter). The standard now addresses regulator slam-shuts, including slam-shut test procedures and marking requirements. ANSI B109.4-2021 was added to the AGA publication store on November 24, 2021 and is now available for purchase.

New Standards Project

AGA submitted a Project Initiation Notification (PINS) to ANSI for the development of a new standard: BSR B109.6-202x, Single Path Ultrasonic Gas Meters (Under 1400 Cubic Feet Per Hour Capacity). Directly and materially affected interests wishing to receive more information or to submit comments must contact Luis Escobar ( by December 12, 2021. Read the announcement in the November 12, 2021 edition of the ANSI Standards Action

[CLOSED] ANSI Public Review: B109.4 Standard

The Revision Draft of the B109.4 Standard (Self-Operated Diaphragm-Type Natural Gas Service Regulator for nominal pipe size 1-1/4 inches and smaller with outlet pressures of 2 psi and less) is available for review and comment. Public comments are due to by August 23, 2021 and must be submitted on this Public Comment Form. No public comments were received.

New Standards Project

AGA submitted a Project Initiation Notification (PINS) to ANSI for the development of a new standard: BSR B109.5-202x, Self-Operated Diaphragm-Type Natural Gas Service Regulators for Nominal Pipe Size Up To 2 Inches (50.8 mm). Directly and materially affected interests wishing to receive more information or to submit comments must contact Luis Escobar ( by June 26, 2020. Read the announcement in the May 29, 2020 edition of the ANSI Standards Action

Revised B109 Committee Procedures

In May 2020, the committee updated our patent policy to bring it into alignment with the latest version of the ANSI Essential Requirements. Read the ANSI B109 Procedures here.

History of the Development of ANSI B109: