AGA Comments on EPA GHGI Industrial Commercial Meter Memo Oct 23 2020

AGA Asks EPA to Gather More Representative Data Before Changing Methane Estimates for Industrial and Commercial Meters

On Oct. 23, 2020, AGA submitted comments on EPA’s proposed changes for the 2021 national greenhouse gas inventory (GHGI).  EPA proposed to revise the estimated methane emissions from industrial and commercial natural gas customer meter sets based on a 2019 Study by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI).  AGA agreed with GTI’s recommendation that EPA should work with GTI and natural gas utilities to gather more robust and representative data on commercial and industrial meters before attempting to craft new emission factors for these sources.  AGA also agreed with GTI that it would be more accurate to develop emission factors on a regional basis and applying a leaker factor to an activity factor based the percentage of meter sets found to be leaking in the 2019 Study and follow-up field studies.


AGA Comments on EPA GHGI Industrial Commercial Meter Memo Oct 23 2020