Natural Gas Utility Efficiency Programs
Energy efficiency can be an effective resource for customers, communities, and states to reduce energy costs, provide essential energy services, improve energy reliability and resilience, boost the economy, and reduce the environmental footprint of energy use. Many natural gas utility companies have long-performing natural gas efficiency programs. Based on experience and expertise, and shaped by regulatory oversight and partner engagement, natural gas utilities continue to invest in new strategies to extend energy efficiency options to customers and their communities and to accelerate progress towards realizing a clean energy future.
The 2020 Program Year Natural Gas Efficiency Programs Report presents data collected from members of the American Gas Association (AGA) and the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) on natural gas ratepayer-funded efficiency and conservation programs to provide insights into respective industry trends. Data specific to natural gas programs are included as appendices.
The report’s findings illustrate how natural gas utilities continue to invest in efficiency programs and work with their customers to help increase cost savings while reducing emissions. The utility energy efficiency data presented in this report captures industry budgets, expenditures, and impacts over time to enable assessment of overall industry trends. The analysis looks retrospectively at the status of the natural gas efficiency market in 2020, including expenditures and savings impacts, and presents a snapshot of budgets for 2021.AGA would like to thank the members of AGA and CEE in the U.S. and Canada for participating in this important data-collection effort. We tremendously appreciate the time and effort given by all survey respondents throughout the information-gathering and validation process.
See 2020 Natural Gas Efficiency Programs Report:
Please Direct Inquiries to Morgan Hoy, Manager of Market and Regulatory Analysis
2020 Appendices
Appendix A – Natural Gas Efficiency Program Expenditures and Budgets by State
Appendix B – Natural Gas Efficiency Program Expenditures and Budgets by Region
Appendix C – Natural Gas Efficiency Program Expenditures by Activity and State
Appendix D – Natural-Gas Efficiency Program Expenditures by Activity and Region
Appendix F – Natural Gas Efficiency Program Greenhouse Gas Savings by Region
Appendix G – Natural Gas Efficiency Program Greenhouse Gas Emissions Savings by State
*Note* there isn’t an Appendix E
Past AGA Efficiency Program Reports
Past CEE Annual Industry Reports
See all Reports HERE